Mindful Minds focuses in helping organizations coordinate and conduct Mental Health First Aid/Gatekeeper training. Our goals are to make easy and inexpensive for organizations to offer our training programs, and for students to gain valuable health knowledge.
We are Nationally Certified Instructors by the National Council of Behavioral Health, and have helped train over 3000 Certified Mental Health First Aider's in the last four years.
Our services include, training program selection, subcontracting and coordination with other organizations and instructors. All of which provides Instruction, promotion, logistics, materials/manual sourcing, training facilitation.
This often involves working with local County Mental Health Boards, related mental health organizations/coalitions, and other area training Instructors.
For more information please email Steve Terrill at Sterrrill11@gmail.com

Grants for Public Libraries and Schools
The State Library is pleased to announce the availability of Ohio LSTA funds to support Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training and/or Gatekeeper training for Ohio public libraries. Under this special program, public libraries may request up to $4,999 in federal funds to provide Mental Health First Aid, Youth Mental Health First Aid, or Gatekeeper training to staff and/or community organizations. If you believe your staff, patrons and community would benefit from Mental Health First Aid training, find more information here.
We can help apply for the and with an award handle the training planning/coordination. The funds could be used to train library staff , and work to offer schools, churches and other organizations